Dissecting Scissors, Forceps, and Dissection Kit Supplies
Since 1995, DR Instruments has been designing and manufacturing quality yet affordable dissecting kit items for use by students and teachers all over the World. We understand the needs of science students and educators. We have designed a full line of dissecting equipment for studies in anatomy, zoology, botany, and biology. DR Instruments is a direct source for dissecting instruments and dissecting tools (dissecting kit items, scissors, forceps, scalpel blades, dissecting probes, and more instruments ) for classroom use. These dissection kits make classroom dissection easy and convenient for our students and teachers, including premium scalpel blades that last and additional instruments to give students the insight they need. Well-designed dissection tools direct from the manufacturer mean a quality educational experience and great savings.You will find dissecting tools appropriate for all levels of education – junior and senior high, college, and graduate school students – and ideal for public and private schools and even homeschooling families. Help is also available for homeschooling parents in choosing the right dissection tools, microscopes, and specimens for their children’s coursework.
Are you a teacher with unique needs? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to prepare custom dissection kits for your students according to your requirements.
Buying dissecting tools for an entire class or school? DR Instruments can save you even more – call us Toll-Free: at (888)-599-3442 for a special quote! Are you a reseller, such as a bookstore, cataloger, or other on-line business? Let us serve you as your supplier!
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Bandage Scissors - 5.5" Black Stealth
Dissection Scissors 4.5"- Economy
Iris Scissors - Angled
Operating Scissors Sharp Points
Stainless Steel Bandage Scissors - 7.25"
Stainless Steel Bandage Scissors - 5.5"
Bandage Scissors - w/ Clip 5.5''
Bandage Scissor - Large Ring 5.5''
Bandage Scissor - Rainbow 5.5''
Bandage Scissor - 3.5''
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