Laboratory & Educational Balances

School Balances & Educational Scales

DR Instruments offer balances and scales that match all your educational and lab needs. We offer brand-name as well as house brand scales and balances. Our house brand balances offer accurate weight measurements as do the name-brand balances but at a lot lower prices. DR Instruments offers ''''''''Choices''''''''.
Should you have any questions about our balances or scales please feel free to call us: at 888.599.3442
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Triple Beam Dial Balance - DRB350W

Triple Beam Dial Balance - DRB350W

Triple Beam Dial Balance

Triple Beam Dial Balance

$245.00From $206.00
Triple Beam Balance With Tare Beam

Triple Beam Balance With Tare Beam

$245.00From $145.00
Triple Beam Balance

Triple Beam Balance

$245.00From $145.00
School Triple Beam Balance

School Triple Beam Balance


Our Certifications

We are proudly certified by these prestigious organizations

National Minority Supplier Development Council Certified WBENC Women's Business Enterprise Logo 3 Logo 3
National Minority Supplier Development Council
Certified WBENC Women's Business Enterprise
Logo 3
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